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Apera Health Tourism

As a Health Tourism company, Apera Health Tourism offers foreign patients from more than 35 countries at the hospitals and medical centers we have contracted with in Istanbul; We aim to provide services in the fields of hair transplantation, dental treatments, aesthetic surgery treatments.

Through our translators who speak German, Arabic, Hebrew, English, Spanish, Italian, French and Russian languages, we also provide consultancy services to our foreign patients, such as airport transfer, hotel accommodation, treatment needs and Istanbul trips.


You can make a free appointment by calling us.

Popular Treatments at Contracted Health Facilities

  • FUE Hair Transplant

  • DHI Method

  • Unshaven Hair Transplant

  • Female Hair Transplant

  • Beard and Mustache Transplantation

  • Liposuction

  • Nose Aesthetics

  • Breast Aesthetics

  • Tummy Tuck

  • Upper Eyelid Aesthetic

  • Obesity


As Apera Health Tourism Health Tourism company, our only priority is to work with health institutions and doctors who will provide the best and highest quality service to our foreign patients. By trying to understand the patient's demands in the best way, by choosing the most appropriate treatment method and the most appropriate health institution, leaving our country satisfied is our only success criterion.

For this reason, we continue to increase the value of our country in medical tourism by working with Turkey's leading health institutions and doctors.

Transfer Service

We meet our patients coming from Turkey or abroad with our private chauffeur-driven vehicles and transfer
them safely.

Accomodation Service

A reliable, convenient and comfortable accommodation
awaits you in our contracted 4 and 5 star hotels.

Travel Organization

Before your trip, we make the necessary arrangements together with you and make your travel planning

Ticket Service

We offer you the appropriate ticketing service by making the most accurate time planning for the arrival and return dates .

Personal Assistant

During the treatment, our special translators will accompany you in line with your request to make you feel comfortable.

Tourist Trips

During the treatment, fun
tours are organized for you to visit the pleasant and historical places of the city you are i

Ask The Expert

You can get detailed information about treatments and services by contacting us!

+90 850 241 70 78


Contact Information

Title: Apera Cosmetic Tourism
Owner's Name: Apera Sağlık Turizm San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti.
Address: Küçükbakkalköy Mah. Nergis Sok. No:11 Apera Plaza 
Phone: +90 850 241 70 78

Türsab Document No: 13443

Bank Information

TR33 0006 2000 4400 0006 2912 87 (TL,DOLAR,EURO,STERLIN)


TR74 0006 2000 4400 0009 0534 97 (TL,DOLAR,EURO,STERLIN)


TR47 0006 2000 4400 0009 0534 98 (TL,DOLAR,EURO,STERLIN)


TR04 0006 2000 4400 0009 0534 96 (TL,DOLAR,EURO,STERLIN)


Garanti Bankası Swift Code
Swift Kodu: TGBATRIS

Apera Healh Tourism İndustry Trade Limited Company.

 Protection of pations personal data clarification text.

1.Apera Health Tourism Industry Trade Limited Company (hereafter is called “Apera”) in order to mediate you to recieve medical servises within the borders of Turkey you have applied for, we would like to inform you that we collect and use you personal data to provide better servises and for the reasons described below. Apera is a health tourism company that provides agent servises between a person who applies for medical servise and company which performs medical servises. As Apera does not have the autority to provide health service and medical treatment, it does not bear any responsibility for the damages arising while or after medical servises or treatment. With this text we inform you about processing condtions and your rights regarding your personal data will be processeded by our company in accordance with the provisions of data controller’s disclosure obligations regulated in Article 10 of the Personal Data Protection Law. 2.According to the 6698 Personal Data Protection Law, Personal data is “ any information related to an identified or identifiable natural person “. As can be understood from the definition, any data that makes person identifable is a personal data. İn this context, it is not possible for some other side to recieve and process personal data without getting consent from the person. İn addition to the written above political thoughts, race, religion, religious sect, association- foundation membership, information about health , philosophical thoughts , belief,sexual preferences, criminal records, criminal conviction information, biometric data are deemed to be special categories of personal data. To recieve, to transfer or to proceed special categories of personal data an additional written permition from the person is required. All explanations and notifications regarding personal data in this text are also covers special categories of personal data. 3.As Apera, we take the higest level of possible security measures by showing maximum precision to comply with the Constitution and the Law on Protection of Personal Data no6698 while processing and preservation of your personal data and to ensure the security of personal data. 4.Data controller and representative İn accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law, your personal data will be proccesed by Apera in the capasity of “data controller” in the way as explained below and within the limits drawn by the legislation. 5.Proccesing of personal data: Your personal data, specifying in the titles below is recorded in our personal data inventory in accordance with our personal data policy. •İnformation and picture of a passport •Name , surname and number of identity card •Biometric photo •Gender •Date and place of birth •Profession and positition •Phone number, E-mail adress, adress of living and other information •Marital status, passport number •Answers and comments you sent to evaluate our services •Your voice call records and videorecords in case if you visited our company •Navigation İnformation obtained during visiting our website, İP adress, browser information ect. All kinds of information Also the Health Check Form with some special categories of personal data information will be recieved from you. Such as : Height, Weight, BMİ, Country, Name of your mother and father, Education status, Smoking, Alchohol or drug use, Date of your last period, Medicine that you use, How many times have you given birth, Last date of birth, Birth control method, Menopase date, Allergy, Reaction for anasthesia, Whether there was a blood transfer, Hepatitis and HİV, information about Breasfeeding and Hereditary diseases, Diabetes and related medicines, Usage of insulin, Blood pressure disorder, Cholesterol, Canser, Kidney disorder, Epilepsy, Anemia, Arthritis, Asthma, Emphysema, Gall blodder disorder, Difficulty while swallowing, Paralysis, Pain in joints, Anxiety, Reflux and information about Pain in the chest. 6.The Methods of Personal Data Collection: Your personal data can be collected by our foreign collaborators, it may vary depending on the service provided, commercial activity or relationship with our company, it is obtained verbally, in writing, in visual or electronic environment, trough the call center, internet and similar means, also thourgh forms fiiled by you. 7.Purposes of Personal Data Collection: You personal data is collecting by our company within the personal data processing conditions specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Personal Data Protection Law, in line with the following purposes, within the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of Pesonal Data Protection Law and in accordance with the paragraph 1 of Article 5 with “Explisit Consent”, in accordance with: part a. of the second paragraph “it is expressly provided for by the laws”, part b. “it is neccesary for the protection of life and physical integrity of the person himself/herself or any person, who is unable to explain his/her consent due to the physical disability or whose consent is not deemed legaly valid” part c. “processing of personal data of the parties of the contract is necessary, provided that it is directly related to the establishment or perfomance of the contract” part ç. “ it is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the data controller is a subject” part d. “personal data have been made public by the data subject himself/herself” part e. “data processing is necessary for the establishment, excersise or protection of any right” part f. “processing of data is necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by the data controller, provided that this processing shall not violate the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject” also “ explisit consent” specified in the second paragraph of Article 6 and stating in the third paragraph “processing of special categories of personal data, except for data concerning health and sexual life, may be processed without seeking explisit consent of the data subject, in the cases provided for by laws” can be processed on the basis of legal reasons. •Carrying out the processes related to the perfomance of the services offered by Apera, increasing the quality of products and services offered; •Agent services for you to reach medical diagnosis, treatment and health services •To Perform administrative and commercial activities •To determine and develop our commercial partnership and strategies, to place it on secure basis, to take right decisions in our commercial policies and administrative process •Planning and execution of the activities required to customize the services offered by Apera according to the tastes , consuming habbits and needs of the persons concerned and recommened them to the relevant persons. •To Archive /store the data related to the health service provided in accordance with legislation. •To ensure data security • To recieve and evaluate requests and complaints •Patient relationship planning management •To share requested information with public institutions and organizations including the Ministry of Health •Fullfillment of legal and regulatory requirements, execution of legal process •Fullfilment of request from goverment •Carrying out information security activities •Realization of control and ethical activities •Execution of service support services •Ensuring the security of data controller operations •Fullfilment of contract obligation of the company •Exectution of the company’s promotion, social media and advertising activities •To provide faster and more effective service to people fill the contact form Your special categories of personal data will not be processed till your explisit consent is obtained. 8.Legal reasons for processing of your personal data Your personal data is processing for the following legal reasons: •To sign a contract •Data processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise or protection any rights •Explicit consent •Processing of data is necessery for legitimate interests pursued by the data controller, provided that this processing shall not violate the fundamential rights and freedoms of the data subject •European Union General Data Protection Regulation •The Personal Data Protection Law no 6698 •Regulations and other relevant legislation and all kinds of information about personal health data Apera takes measures to ensure security of your personal data which is processed considering purposes and legal reasons specified in the present text. You personal data is protected by complying with all technical and administrative security conditions required under the relevant legislation in accordance with security standarts. 9.To whom and for what purpose the processed data can be transferred. Within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and perposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Personal Data Protection Law your personal data may be transferred to the management of access logs, due to our obligations arising from the law, to security facilities of our company, to increase quality of servise, to our business partners in order to develop customer relations, to our contracted hospitals, to state hospitals affiliated to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey, city hospitals, Ministry of Health and its affiliated and related institutions and organizations, General Directorate of Security and other official institutions and all kinds of judicial authorities, to the third parties from whom services are recieved within the scope of the execution of the health servise, representatives, lawers, regulatory and supervisory agencies. 10.Transfer of personal data abroad İn case of neccesity within the framework of purposes listed above and in accordance with artical 9 (1) of the Law your personal data can be shared with the third parties abroad fort he perfomance of services that will be preovided to you in case of your acceptance which includes explisit consent. Being liable to the same principles we may need to share you personal data with the third parties abroad in case of legitimate purposes and requirements, due to the fact that services such as servers, domains, hosting, IT, storage, data security software, business development, data analysis, security are obtaine from companies with headquaters abroad. 11.Cookie Policy Cookies are text files with small pieces of data stored on computer or other devices while browsing a website. Commonly used to “remember” you and your preferences for a single visit (via “session cookie”) or multiple repeating visits (using “persistent cookie”). They provide a consistent and efficient experience for visitors and perform basic functions such as allowing users to register and login. Cookies may be set by the site you are visiting ( known as a “first – party cookies”) or by third – parties. For example those that present content on the website or offer advertising or analythycal services (“third- party cookies”). We use cookie for many purposes. Some cookies are requested for technical reasons; some provide a personalized experience for both visitors and registered users, and some allow to display advertisments from selected third – party networks. 12.Rights of The Data Subject listed in the Article 11 of the Personal Data Collection Law As a personal data owner in accordance with Article 11 of the Law you have rights to demand for information as to if your personal data have been processed, to learn the purpose of the processing of your personal data and wether these personal data are used in compliance with the purpose, to know the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred to, to request the ratification of the incomplete data, to request the erasure or destruction of your personal data after reason for its processing disappears, to object, to demand compensation for damage. Your requests regarding this matter may be sent in our company by the methods outlined below. İn accordance with Paragraph (2) of Article 13 of the same Law Our company will conclude your demands in request within the shortest time by taking into account the nature of the demand and the latest within 30 days and free of charge. However, if process requires an additional cost, the fee in the tariff determined by Personal Data Protection Board may be charged by our Company. To exercise rights listed above send us signed application form with documents providing your identity to the following address : Barbaros district, Ak Zambak street, Uphill towers 3A, no76 Ataşehir / İstanbul. You may bring application form personally, wıth notary services or use any other methods prescribed by the Law, or send by e-mail to provide you application with safe electronic signature. Make sure that your application form includes necessary information to identify you and statement that you want to benefit you rights in accordance with Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law. Data Controller : Apera Health Tourism İndustry and Trade Limited Company Central registration system no : 0071087548700001 E-mail : Physical mail address : Barbaros district, Ak Zambak street, Uphill towers 3A No 76 Ataşehir/ İstanbul

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